
Term And Conditions

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  • Term And Conditions

Please make sure to read each section in its entirety.


Welcome to Legendary Chess Academy, operated to Legendary Chess Academy Limited.  Presently, the terms “to Legendary Chess Academy,” “us,” “we,” the “Company”, and “our” shall refer to Legendary Chess Academy Limited.

 Upon interacting and engaging with us, (the “Website”), to Legendary Chess Academy may provide to host and interact with you (collectively, the “Service” or our “Services”), you agree to, and are bound by, these Terms of Use (the “Terms” or “Agreement”) along with the other legal documents listed in the “Legal information” section on our Platforms and which may but are not necessarily incorporated into this agreement by reference.

 We reserve the right to amend, add, or remove any portion of this agreement at the time of our choosing.  In the event that we make substantial changes to this agreement, we will notify you of the changes to the agreement on this page and the effective date of the changes.  While we may choose at our discretion to notify you of substantial changes, we are not required to render such notifications and it is your responsibility to check this page to stay up to date. Future changes will not be retroactive without your permission. By continuing to use our Platforms, you consent to the changes and will be legally bound by the updated terms. In the event that you no longer wish to be bound by these Terms, you must stop your use of our Services.

ELIGIBILITY TO USE to Legendary Chess Academy  Limited SERVICES

 Not everyone is eligible to create an account and use to Legendary Chess Academy’s Services.

 By using our Services, you represent and warrant that: 

  • There exists no law, judgment, or edict by the authorities of Jamaica which bars you from using our services;
  • You have not been convicted a felony or indictable offense (or crime of similar severity), a sex crime, or any crime involving violence and/or harm to children;
  • You have no legal mandates to register as a sex offender with any local, state, or federal sex offender registry;
  • You have not been previously prevented by us from registration and are not registering a new account under a new name, without our express permission

 You agree that you will not:

  • Violate any and all applicable laws, including without restriction, privacy laws, intellectual property laws, anti-spam laws, and regulatory requirements;
  • Lie about the information you provide on our Platforms including identity, age, profession, etc.;
  • Use the Services in a way that damages or disrupts the Services and/or our Services computer systems and networks
  • Abuse, frighten, defame, or otherwise mistreat any person on our Platforms or our staff;
  • Access and use another user’s account;
  • Use our Services to commit fraud
  • Use our Services to denigrate Premier Chess Academy and/or our staff
  • Violate the terms of the license granted to you by Premier Chess Academy (see Section 6 below).
  • Disclose private user information that you do not have permission to disclose;
  • Copy, change, distribute, or develop any derivative works from, any Member Content or Our Content, or any copyrighted material, images, trademarks, trade names, service marks, or other intellectual property, content or proprietary information accessible through our Platform and/or services without Premier Chess Academy’s prior written consent;
  • Utilize technical tools, including crawlers and site search/retrieve applications to access and mine data found and used on our Platforms and services.
  • Harm our Platforms by inserting viruses and other harmful code into our Platforms;
  • Reverse engineer, modify, decompile or otherwise deconstruct any portion of our Services, or enable others to do so;
  • Use or develop any third-party applications that interface with our Services or Member Content or information without our explicit and written consent;
  • Access, utilize, or publish the Premier Chess Academy application programming system without our explicit written consent;
  • Use our Services for any harmful, illegal, or disreputable purpose

Prior to accessing or using our Services, you explicitly represent that you are at least 18 years of age. If you are not 18 years of age, you represent that you are authorized by a parent or legal custodian who has reviewed this Agreement, to enter into a binding agreement with Us. In the event that you are a parent or legal custodian, you explicitly provide consent for your child’s use of the Services and will be bound by these Terms of Use in respect to their use. You are fully responsible for any unauthorized use of the Services by the Minor-User.


In this agreement, “content” consists of, without limitation, all text, video, images, audio, chess games, chess commentary, and/or other material on our Services, including information contained in users’ profiles and all information uploaded by users. There are two different types of content on our Platforms: (i) content provided by you during the course of your engagement with our Services (“Your Content”); and (ii) content that Premier Chess Academy publishes on and through our Services AND on Third-Party Platforms as described in paragraph 14 of this agreement by (“Our Content”). Specifically, all content provided and published by Us on the “Strawket” platform is expressly owned by Premier Chess Academy.


The content that you provide to our Platforms and services is ultimately your responsibility.

 You are solely responsible and liable for Your Content, and, therefore, you expressly agree to indemnify, defend, release, and hold us harmless from any claims made in connection with Your Content.

 You represent and warrant to us that the information you provide to us or any other user is accurate, including any information submitted through external media platforms, including Strawket, Facebook, Zoom, Whatsapp, Google Suite, Zoho Suite, Lichess,, Chesskid and/or other third-party sources (if applicable). If at any point the content that you provide us no longer accurate, you will update the content to ensure that it remains accurate.

 You acknowledge and understand that by submitting your content to the external media platforms outlined above and/or to our Website and/or to Us, your content may be visible to anyone and everyone on the web. YOU EXPRESSLY ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR UNDERSTANDING AND ASSENT TO OUR USE AND PUBLISHING, IN ANY WAY WE SEE FIT, OF ANY PHOTOGRAPHS AND/OR PICTURES PROVIDED BY YOU TO US ON THE WEBSITE/SOCIAL MEDIA PLATOFORM OF OUR CHOOSING, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, FACEBOOK, TWITTER, INSTAGRAM, AND GOOGLE PLUS.  

 Our Service includes features,  which we refer to as

“Star of the month/Player of the month”, where students are selected based on their performance in our Classes. If a student is selected, which will be at our sole discretion, his/her name, image and brief bio, will be posted on our Website/Social Media Platforms. IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE FEATURED ON OUR WEBSITE/SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS, YOU MUST NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY.

“Pca Talent Time/Go Beyond Chess”, where students are asked to share their performance video’s and winners will be selected by Premier Chess Academy based on their performance & our internal assessment. If a student is selected, which will be at our sole discretion, his/her name, image and brief bio, will be posted on our Website/Social Media Platforms. IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE FEATURED ON OUR WEBSITE/SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS, YOU MUST NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY.

 We reserve the right to review Your Content, and if we deem appropriate, delete, modify, restrict, or block or prevent access to any of Your Content at any time in our sole discretion. Finally, you understand and agree that we have no obligation to publish any or all of your content.